引言版权贸易指作品版权中全部或部分经济权利,通过版权许可(copyright license)或版权转让(copyright transfer)的方式,以获取相应经济收入的贸易行为,也称为版权交易(copyright exchange)。它属于许可证贸易范畴,是无形财产权贸易。自中国1992年加入了《伯尔尼公约》和《世界
Introduction Copyright trade refers to the whole or a part of the economic rights in the copyrights of the work, and is obtained through the copyright license or the copyright transfer in order to obtain the corresponding economic income trade, also known as copyright exchange. It belongs to the scope of the permit trade, is the intangible property rights trade. Since China joined the Berne Convention and the “World” in 1992