Primary cutaneous large cell lymphoma (PCLCL) can be divided into two types of T cell and B cell. T cell phenotype PCLCL 犤 PCLCL (T) 犦 CD30 positive or not expected its prognosis. The prognosis of CD30 + PCLCL (T) is better. Poor prognosis for CD30-PCLCL (T) and CD30 + non-cutaneous primary LCL (T). The prognosis for CD30 + cutaneous LCL transformed from mycosis fungoides is generally poor, with CD30 + -LCL evolving from lympho-like papulosis as a mere systematic prognosis and a poor prognosis for cutaneous CD30 + -LCL. Poor prognosis of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, large cell type, and primary cutaneous T-cell immunoblastic lymphoma. The majority of B cell phenotype primary cutaneous large cell lymphoma is primary cutaneous follicular central cell lymphoma whose prognosis is better than that of lymph node follicular central cell lymphoma.