
来源 :湖南中医杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengyue1212
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例1:李某某,男,42岁。干部。住院号:771053。因咳嗽,气喘,下肢软弱无力3月,加重1 月,于1977年7月10日由其家属护送入院。患者自诉4月10日下午淋雨之后,当晚即感发热,怕冷,咳嗽,汗出,继则左下肢软弱无力,步态蹒跚,当地医治无效,1月后右下肢亦然,日趋加重。近1月来,不能步行,卧床不超,经县人民医院诊断为“癔病性瘫痪”,于7月10日来我院门诊,以“痿证”收入住院。症见发热,咳嗽,气喘,吐少量黄痰,下肢痿弱不用,口渴喜冷饮,纳差,大便干结,小便短赤,舌质红、苔薄黄,脉滑数。证属邪热壅肺,肺热伤津,筋失滋 Example 1: Li Mou, male, 42 years old. cadre. Hospital number: 771053. As a result of coughing, wheezing, weakness in the lower limbs in March, aggravated in January, on July 10, 1977, was escorted to hospital by his family. After the patient complained of rain on the afternoon of April 10, she felt fever, coldness, coughing, and sweating on that night. Afterwards, the left lower extremity was weak and weak, and her gait was paralyzed. The local treatment was ineffective, and right lower extremity became worse after 1 month. In the past month, I could not walk and stay in bed. The county People’s Hospital diagnosed her as a “cockroach mole”. She came to our hospital on July 10th and was admitted to the hospital with a “convulsive certificate.” Zheng Jian fever, cough, asthma, spit a small amount of jaundice, no weakness in the lower extremities, thirsty like cold drinks, anorexia, dry stool, urine short red, red tongue, thin yellow coating, slippery pulse. The evidence is that the evil is hot and the lungs are inflamed, and the lungs are hot and hurt.