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2003年是我国港口业实现腾飞的一年。这一年,我国主要港口完成货物吞吐量26亿吨,同比增长16.9%,亿吨大港也增至8个。同时,我国港口集装箱吞吐量跃居世界首位。其中上海港、深圳港双双突破1000万标箱,分别跃升为世界集装箱大港的第三、第四位。在经济飞速发展的大背景下,中国港口业的腾飞势不可挡。 然而,居安思危。在2004年全国交通工作会议上,交通部部长张春贤提出,我国当前港口吞吐量已超过港口设计能力,部分港口存在着超负荷运作现象,应谨防历史上“压船、压港”的状况重现。显然,在我国经济迅速发展的同时,基础设施建设的相对滞后已无法满足巨大的市场需求。而对于港口吞吐量的逐年递增,也颇有些尴尬。应该说,腾飞中的中国港口业,既让人兴奋,又令人担忧。 2003 is the year that China’s port industry took off. This year, China’s major ports completed 2.6 billion tons of cargo throughput, an increase of 16.9% over the same period of last year, and 800 million tons of major ports also increased to 8. At the same time, China’s port container throughput ranks first in the world. Among them, Shanghai Port and Shenzhen Port both exceeded 10 million TEU and jumped to the third and fourth respectively in the world’s container port. Under the background of rapid economic development, the development of China’s port industry is irresistible. However, be vigilant in peace time. At the 2004 National Traffic Work Conference, Zhang Chunxian, Minister of Communications, proposed that the current port throughput in our country has surpassed the design capability of the port and that some ports are overloaded. We should guard against the historical recurrence of “pressure vessel embarking and pressure harboring” . Obviously, with the rapid economic development in our country, the relative lag of infrastructure construction has been unable to meet the huge market demand. As for the annual increase in port throughput, but also quite a bit embarrassed. It should be said that the soaring Chinese port industry is both exciting and worrying.
散热器管的检查和更换(每隔200h检查,每隔2年更换) (1)随着时间的推移,散热器管会老化。应定期检查散热器管是否老化和夹紧部是否松动。 (2)每隔2年或发现散热器管老化,应更