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中央电视台2005年少儿春节晚会,随着乐韵悠扬的《高山流水》古琴声响起,两位手执长嘴铜茶壶的小兄妹健步地走上前台,面向观众鞠躬之后,兄妹俩反手背负茶壶,头轻微一点,然后快速运动,顷刻之间,人便被两团黄光笼罩,如同两团黄色的龙卷风在移动;再之后,又有一线白光从黄光中冲出,好似冲出黄色龙卷风的小白龙,临空飞降,并直扑桌上的茶碗;也是眨眼之间,黄色龙卷风消失,“小白龙”也消失了,风平浪静之后,人们再看桌上,却发现已有一茶杯盛满齐口茶水,而杯外滴水不沾,了无痕迹,整个过程人壶合一,刚柔相济,如行云流水,激起观众们的阵阵掌声…… CCTV 2005 Children’s Spring Festival Gala, with the melodious melodious “mountain water” Guqin sound, two hand-long copper mouth teapot little siblings walked up the stage, facing the audience bow, brother and sister backhand carrying teapot, head Slightly, and then rapid movement, an instant, people will be enveloped by two groups of yellow light, as the two groups of yellow tornado moving; then, there is a white light out of the yellow light, like a small white dragon out of the yellow tornado Blink of an eye, the yellow tornado disappeared, “Little White Dragon” also disappeared, the calm, people look at the table, but found that there has been a cup full Qi mouth of tea, and the cup drip non-stick, no trace, the whole process of people pot one, hardness and softness, such as flowing, aroused the audience’s applause ... ...
Sixteen new triazole organic phosphorus compounds were synthesized. Their structures were confirmed with IR, 1H NMR, elemental analysis and MS. The primar
为了摸清老年人眼底生理性改变,现将兰州地区5584名老年人体检中筛选出245眼拍成照片,加以整理,进行综合分析,报告如下: 对象及方法1984~1986年我院预防保健科组织老年人健康
记者:他能习惯香港的生活吗? 王保琴:还好,就是吃不到我做的家常菜了,也吃不到热干面了,他特别爱吃我做的湖北菜。记者:港大的教学都用英语,他能听懂英文授课吗? 王保琴:他
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A new dihydrochromone derivative, named chaenomone, was isolated from the twigs of Chaenomeles sinensis (Thouin) Koehne. The structure was determined by spectr