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以2007年的珠江水水温数据及当地室外空气干球温度数据为依据,对使用珠江水和空气作为热源的热泵进行了比较分析。结果表明,1-4月和10-12月期间气温较低,水源热泵蒸发温度比空气源热泵蒸发温度高5℃以上的时间占92.78%,水源热泵蒸发温度比空气源热泵蒸发温度高10℃以上的时间占60.37%,且珠江水温度比空气温度波动小,使用珠江水源热泵不会出现结霜现象,因此使用珠江水源作为热源的热泵要比空气源热泵有明显的优势。 Based on the 2007 Pearl River water temperature data and the local outdoor air dry bulb temperature data, a comparative analysis was made on the heat pump using Pearl River water and air as the heat source. The results show that the air temperature is low between January and April and from October to December, the water source heat pump evaporation temperature is 92.78% higher than the air source heat pump evaporation temperature, and the water source heat pump evaporation temperature is 10 ℃ higher than the air source heat pump evaporation temperature 60.37% of the time above, and the Pearl River water temperature fluctuations less than the air temperature, the use of the Pearl River water source heat pump does not appear frosted, so the use of the Pearl River water as a heat pump than the air source heat pump has obvious advantages.
La2 Zr2 O7 (LZ) is a promising thermal barrier coating material for the high temperature applications. The fracture toughness and microhardness of nanocrystalli
从俗字角度分析,认为俞樾所说“泣”为“沍”之讹的说法言之有理。进一步以俗字形体变化实例补证俞说,证实“凝泣”当作“凝沍”。 From the perspective of folk characters,
目的 探讨颈动脉粥样硬化对轻度认知功能损害(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)的影响.方法 2006年11月至2007年9月单纯随机抽选1886名广州市50岁或以上,自报未患有脑卒中、心
根据天全县的实际情况 ,介绍了该县退耕还林试点示范工程的实施情况及工程建设管理的经验与不足 ,明确了今后应加强的工作重点 According to the actual situation in Tianq
目的 分析全麻或基础麻醉下行儿童和青少年泪小管断裂吻合术的特点,探讨采用缝合固定于鼻前庭的人工泪管(硅胶管)植入的效果.方法 全麻或局部麻醉联合基础麻醉支持下,对16例(