数学来源于生活,服务于生活,常用于解决生活中的问题.几何背景下的应用问题贴近生活,容易为大家所理解,因此也频频现身于高考试卷中.本文就这类问题的建模与求解方法加以探究,以飨读者.例1(2008年江苏高考题)某地有三家工厂,分别位于矩形ABCD的顶点A,B,及CD的中点P处,已知AB=20 km,BC=10km.为了处理三家工厂的污水,现要在矩形ABCD内(含边界),且与A,B等距离的一点O处建造一个污水处理厂,并铺设排污管道AO,BO,OP,如图1,设排污管道的总长为ykm.
Mathematics comes from life, serves life, and is often used to solve problems in life.Graphical background of application problems close to life, easy to understand for everyone, it is also frequently appeared in the entrance examination papers.This article on the modeling of such problems And solution method to explore readers.Example 1 (Jiangsu 2008 entrance exam) There are three factories in a place, respectively, located at the vertices A, B, and the middle of the rectangle ABCD P, known AB = 20 km, BC = 10km. To process the wastewater from the three plants, a wastewater treatment plant is to be constructed within the rectangle ABCD (including the boundary) and at point O equidistant from A, B, and the sewers AO, BO, OP are laid Figure 1, set the sewage pipe length ykm.