300 kinds of soybeans and 100 kinds of kidney bean germplasm supplied from the National Medium Bank were used as material to detect the species of the virus by serological and molecular biological methods respectively. The results showed that the positive detection rates of three viruses (SMV, CMV and AMV) in soybean germplasm were 25.33% (76) 13.67% (41) and 4.67% (14). Soybean germplasm also exists in soybean mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus, soybean mosaic virus and alfalfa mosaic virus infection. In common bean germplasm, 92 common bean mosaic virus (BCMV) positive materials were detected, with the germ-banding rate as high as 92%. This information will help to take measures in the future to improve the quality of legume germplasm preserved in the national genebank.