In order to study the yield and quality of the Paugar grape in Kirovar-balk-Kazak, one of the main producing areas of Azerbaijan, field experiments were conducted in irrigated vineyards at Nizami Farm from 1981 to 1985. There are 6 treatments: 1 - control (no fertilization), 2 - N60P90K90; 3 - N90P150K150; 4 - N120P200K200; 5 - N150P250K250; 6 - N180P300K300 kg / ha (active ingredient). Nitrogen urea, phosphate fertilizer for the general superphosphate, potassium chloride is potassium. Applying 25% of urea and 100% of phosphorus and potassium in winter, 75% of urea is applied in the spring before the buds open and near the arable land. Plants for 10 years, the load of 120-125 bud eye, planting distance of 3 × 1.5 meters, shaping the main fan-shaped