新建一座年发电量为400万 kwh 的水电站至少要投资1500万元,花2~3年才能建成,而采用水力自控翻板闸门技术,仅需90万元资金5个月时间。如此投资少,见效快,在广西乃至全国的水电建设中都是少有的。这项填补广西水电空白、在全国居领先水平的专利技术,是在原有电站的溢流段大坝上再筑翻板闸,利用水压和闸板重量的关系使其自控翻转,达到扩大库容,充分利
A new hydropower station with an annual generating capacity of 4 million kwh should invest at least 15 million yuan and spend 2 to 3 years to build it. The hydropower-controlled flap gate technology requires only 900,000 yuan of funds for five months. So less investment, quick, in Guangxi and even the construction of hydropower are rare. The patented technology to fill Guangxi hydropower gap and take the lead in the country is to build a flap gate on the overflow dam of the original hydropower station to make it self-control by using the relationship between the water pressure and the weight of the gate so as to expand the capacity , Full advantage