世界上最重的火炮是第二次世界大战中德国制造的一门重达1344吨的“法兰克福”巨炮。 这门最重的炮口径800毫米,炮长29米,能发射重4.8吨的炮弹,最大射程为55公里。据说该炮曾将一枚7吨重的炮弹发射到35公里之外。而操作这门巨无霸也是极不容易,需要1500多人同时运作。此外,1942年,德国还制造了一门重达1329吨的铁道炮。它是仅次于“法兰克福”巨炮的“二哥大”。
The heaviest artillery in the world was a German-made “Cannon of Frankfurt” weighing 1344 tons made during the Second World War. The heaviest caliber of this 800mm caliber is 29 meters long and capable of firing 4.8 tons of cannon with a maximum range of 55 kilometers. It is said that the gun fired a 7-tonne shell 35 kilometers away. The operation of this giant is also extremely easy, requires more than 1,500 people at the same time operation. In addition, in 1942, Germany also manufactured a railroad gun weighing 1,329 tons. It is second only to “Frankfurt” cannon “brother”.