
来源 :历史地理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjbbio
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地理分布与生产重心涵盖不同的空间,前者广阔,后者集中。地理分布涉及环境允许某种农作物生存的所有空间,生产重心则与产品加工地相关,需要较高的技术支撑,却局限在有限的空间。棉传入中国之前,数千年内麻类作物的地理分布与生产重心均没有本质性的变化,桑蚕、丝制品则在黄河中下游地区走过了自西向东的推进,再转移至江南,并在空间变动中,经历与经济重心的合、离、再重合的变化。 Geographical distribution and production center of gravity covers a different space, the former is vast, the latter is concentrated. Geographic distribution involves the environment to allow all kinds of crops to live in all the space, the production center of gravity and product processing related to the need for high technical support, but limited to a limited space. Before the cotton was introduced into China, there was no essential change in the geographical distribution and the center of gravity of the hemp crops for thousands of years. The silkworms and silk products went through the west-east advancement in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and were then transferred to Jiangnan In the course of space changes, we have experienced changes that coincide with and depart from the economic center of gravity.