钻孔灌注桩的成桩工艺应针对不同的地质条件应采取相应的质量控制措施。影响成桩质量的因 素除地质条件外 ,起决定作用的主要是成孔工艺和砼灌注工艺的质量控制。结合汕头民航站综 合楼钻孔灌注桩的施工过程对其施工质量的控制进行了分析。
Pile filling process should be based on different geological conditions should take appropriate quality control measures. In addition to geological factors that affect the quality of the pile, in addition to geological conditions, play a decisive role is the main hole forming process and concrete pouring process quality control. Combining the construction process of Shantou Civil Aviation Terminal Building Bored Piles, the construction quality control is analyzed.