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200×年,我们第三政工教研室党支部(以下简称“三政工”)要依据学院党委提出的“创一流综合院校,育新型军政人才”要求,以学院党委全会精神为指导,深入学习贯彻全军政工会议精神,紧密联系教研室实际,励精图治,奋发图强,创造性地完成学院党委赋予我室的各项任务。我们的工作思路是:“围绕一个中心,抓 According to the requirements of ”Establishing First-rate Comprehensive Military Academies and Cultivating New Military Talent“ proposed by the party committee of the college, the Party branch of our third political science and research department (hereinafter referred to as ”the three political workers“) is guided by the plenary session of the college party committees In-depth study and implement the spirit of the All-China Political Work Conference, in close contact with the reality of the teaching and research department, make every effort to achieve success, and work hard to achieve the various tasks assigned to our room creatively by the college Party committee. Our work train of thought is: ”Around a center, grasp