丹参又名紫丹参,系唇形科多年生草本植物(Salvia miltiorhiza bnnge)。以根部入药,有活血调经,祛瘀生新,清心除烦等功效。用于月经不调,关节疼痛,跌打损伤,神经衰弱等症。近来发现对冠心病有较好的疗效.丹参性喜温暖,也较耐塞,对土壤适应性较强,一般土壤均可以栽培,但以土层深厚、疏松肥沃、排水良好的砂壤土产量较高.丹参繁殖方法不同产量相差较大。为了提高丹参产量,我们采用种子育苗、老根茎
Salvia also known as Salvia, Department of perennial herbs (Salvia miltiorhiza bnnge). To root medicine, there are blood Tiaojing, Qu students new, pure heart annoying and other effects. For irregular menstruation, joint pain, bruises, neurasthenia embolism. Recently found to have a better effect on coronary heart disease.Danshen hi hi warm, also more resistant to plug, strong adaptability to the soil, the general soil can be cultivated, but with deep soil, loose and fertile, well-drained sandy loam yield High.Danshen breeding methods differ greatly in yield. In order to improve the yield of Salvia, we use seed nursery, the old roots