金属推型V-带无级变速箱损耗机理仿真 部分1:带组摩擦造成的转矩损失

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以推型金属带为基体的无级变速箱(CVT)的动力传递效率低于有级变速箱,大家已往认识到采用CVT改进发动机/负荷匹配新取得的燃料经济性的好处有被取消的趋势。本组三篇论文详细阐述了发生在作为第一级用来取得效率改进的带传动中损耗机理的研究。已经进行试验研究了涉及推型金属V-带CVT空载和低载的转矩损失。本第一篇论文述及发生在金属带CVT由于带推块和带间相对运动造成主要转矩损失的新分析方法。本研究考虑到其他研究中的新发现并改进了金属V-带的设计。本文中采用几种不同的试验方法提供的实验数据推荐了转矩损失的数字模型。本组第二篇论文阐述了由于带轮变形的许多附加转矩损失机理。在第三篇论文中阐述了根据本文的发现提出带滑动损失的分析。 Power transmission efficiency of CVTs based on push-type metal belts is lower than that of stepped gearboxes and it has been recognized that the benefits of adopting CVT to improve the newly obtained fuel economy of engine / load matching have been lifted . This group of three papers elaborates on the study of the loss mechanism in a belt drive that is used as a first level to improve efficiency. Tests have been conducted to investigate the torque losses involved with push-type metal V-belt CVTs at no-load and low-load. This first paper addresses a new method of analysis that occurs when a metal belt CVT causes a loss of primary torque due to relative movement between the belt and the belt. This study considers new discoveries in other studies and improves the design of metal V-belts. In this paper, several different experimental methods to provide experimental data suggest a digital model of torque loss. The second paper in this group explains many additional torque loss mechanisms due to pulley deformation. In the third paper, an analysis of sliding loss is proposed based on the findings of this paper.
1965年Andreas Rett报告1例“脑萎缩与高氨血症”病儿,为世界各国第1例Rett氏综合征患者。此后日本、意大利及美国均陆续报道。本病以女孩得病、进行性智力下降、孤独症行为