在厚膜多孔硅 (PS) /氧化多孔硅 (OPS)衬底上 ,结合聚酰亚胺涂层改善表面 ,研制低损耗、高性能射频 (RF) /微波 (MW)共平面波导CPW(CoplanarWaveguide) .通过在N和P型硅上形成不同厚度PS膜 ,并对其上的CPW进行分析比较 ,厚膜PS与石英的共面波导插入损耗非常接近 ,远小于在 2 0 0 0Ω·cm高阻硅上形成的多晶硅 -氧化硅组合衬底 :在 0 33GHz范围 ,插入损耗小于 5dB/ 1.2cm ;33 4 0GHz范围 ,小于 7.5dB/ 1.2cm .
CoplanarWaveguide (CPW), a low-loss, high-performance RF / MW coplanar waveguide, is fabricated on a thick-film porous silicon (PS) / oxidized porous silicon (OPS) substrate in combination with a polyimide coating to improve the surface. ). By forming PS films with different thicknesses on N and P-type silicon and analyzing the CPW on them, the insertion loss of the coplanar waveguide of the thick film PS and quartz is very close, much smaller than that at 2000 Polysilicon-silicon oxide composite substrate formed on silicon-resistant silicon: Insertion loss less than 5dB / 1.2cm in the range of 0 33GHz; Less than 7.5dB / 1.2cm in the range of 340 4 0GHz.