艾滋病疫苗的研发一直是各国科研人员重视的课题。然而,艾滋病疫苗的研发之路充满了坎坷,目前在研的该类疫苗多达40多种,却没有一种可以完全预防艾滋病,由美国制药巨头默克公司开发、曾被誉为艾滋病疫苗中的“希望之星”的V520(又称MRKAd5 HIV-1 gag/pol/nef)疫苗,也因一项名为STEP的临床研究显示其既不能帮助未携带病毒者有效预防病毒感染也不能减少病毒携带者的病毒载
AIDS vaccine research and development has always been the focus of research scientists from all countries. However, the road to AIDS vaccine research and development is full of ups and downs. At present, there are as many as 40 kinds of such vaccines currently under study. However, none of these vaccines are completely AIDS-free. They were developed by the U.S. pharmaceutical giant Merck, and have been hailed as AIDS vaccines V520 (also known as MRKAd5 HIV-1 gag / pol / nef) Vaccine, also because of a clinical study called STEP, neither of which helped neither to carry the virus nor to prevent the virus from infecting Reduce the viral load of virus carriers