反腐倡廉是当今世界的热门话题。由于政治、经济、文化、心理等错综复杂的原因,无论是发达国家,还是不发达国家,都普遍存在着不同程度的腐败现象。 我们新中国的国家干部向来是以纪律严明、清正廉洁著称于世的。那为何在向现代化发展的进程中,政府公职人员的腐败现象却日益突出呢? 第一,在对外开放的新形势下,资本主义的腐朽思想、价值观念和生活方式不可避免地乘隙而入,对社会主义思想、道德和价值观念造成猛烈冲击,这是产生腐败的一个重要诱发因素。 第二,在商品经济迅速发展、空前活跃的新形势下,各种利益关系在商品经济发展中进行新的调整,一些集团和个人便采取种种手段,用他们手中的“钱”和
Fighting corruption and building a clean government are hot topics in today’s world. Due to the intricacies of politics, economy, culture and psychology, corruption in different levels is widespread in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Our state cadres in new China have always been worldly known for their strict discipline and integrity. That is why in the process of modernization, the corruption of government officials is increasingly prominent. First, under the new situation of opening to the outside world, the decadent capitalist ideas, values and lifestyles inevitably multiply, The violent impact on the socialist ideology, morality and values is an important inducing factor for corruption. Second, under the new situation of rapid development and unprecedented vigor in the commodity economy, all kinds of interest relations have been newly adjusted in the development of the commodity economy. Some groups and individuals have taken various measures to use the “money” in their hands and