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在全面建成小康社会进入决定性阶段的今天,依法治国肩负着前所未有的历史使命。在由国家语言资源监测与研究中心、商务印书馆和人民网共同主办的“汉语盘点2014”活动揭晓榜单中,“依法治国”位列2014年十大流行语之首。回首2014年的中国,“依法治国”是这个年份最为鲜明深刻的印记之一。四中全会描绘“法治中国”新蓝图十八届四中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,是我们党历史上第一个关于加强法治建设的专门决定。“法治”一词 At a decisive stage when building a well-off society in an all-round way, administering the country according to law shoulders an unprecedented historical mission. In the list of “Chinese Inventory Issues 2014” co-sponsored by the State Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center, the Commercial Press and the People’s Network, “administering the country by law” ranked first among the top ten buzzwords in 2014. Looking back on China in 2014, “administering the country according to law” is one of the most distinctive and profound marks of this year. The Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Preamble “The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues in Promoting Governing the Country According to Law”, which was passed by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, was the first one in our Party history to strengthen the rule of law Decided. “Rule of Law ” the word
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