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鸦片战争以降,在西方近代资本主义国家侵略常态化的情况下,传统的中国认知体系开始了迫不得已的转变。在转变中,中国开始有意识地把自己放在由民族国家组成的近代国际政治体系中加以体认,逐步形成了“自我—他者”的认知框架。在这个认知体系中,如何重塑国家认同则显得尤为重要,特别是在每一次不平等条约签订后这种重塑国家认同的愿望则变得更加强烈和更为清晰。清末宪政改革就是在甲午战争和日俄战争之后,清政府迫于统治危机和社会压力而进行的旨在恢复濒临崩溃的统治秩序而进行的重建尝试。由于种种原因,这次通过制度选择以重构国家认同的尝试虽然遭到历史性的失败,但它对宪政理念的流行以及重塑国家认同的继续尝试有着非常重要的历史意义。 When the Opium War began to decline, the traditional Chinese cognitive system started an inevitable change under the normalization of the invasion by Western modern capitalist countries. In the process of transformation, China began to consciously place itself in the modern international political system composed of nation states and recognized it, gradually forming a cognitive framework of “self-otherness.” In this cognitive system, how to reshape the national identity is particularly important, especially after the signing of each unequal treaty, this desire to reshape the national identity has become more intense and clearer. The constitutional reform in late Qing dynasty was an attempt to rebuild the Qing government, under the rule of crisis and social pressure, aimed at restoring the collapsing ruling order after the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War. Due to various reasons, this attempt to reconstruct the national identity by institutional choice, despite its historic failure, is of great historical significance for the popularization of the concept of constitutional government and the continued attempt to reshape the national identity.