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教育,是兴国之本。伴随着我国社会主义经济快速发展,综合国力不断增强,国家越来越重视教育的发展,不断加大对教育领域的投资及扶持力度,尤其是对高职教育的扶持力度。高职院校图书馆,作为高职师生学习的首要资源,逐步受到校领导重视,取得了较快的发展。本文对高职院校图书馆进行了科学定位,分析了高职院校图书馆管理现状,并对提高高职院校图书馆管理效果提出一些创新性对策。 Education is the rejuvenation of the country. With the rapid development of China’s socialist economy and the continuous improvement of its overall national strength, the state places more and more emphasis on the development of education and continuously increases its investment in and support for education, especially its support to higher vocational education. As the primary resource for higher vocational teachers and students to learn, the library of higher vocational colleges gradually receives the attention of school leaders and has achieved rapid development. This article has carried on the scientific orientation to the library of the high vocational school, analyzed the current situation of the library management in the higher vocational college, and put forward some innovative countermeasures to improve the management effect of the library in the higher vocational college.
小型单缸柴油机有时会出现反启动现象,致使柴油机反运转。柴油机反转,由排气管进气,消声器内积存的积炭粉末被吸入气缸,会加剧气缸与活塞环的磨损;因机油泵反转,不能向润滑部位输送机油,極易造成烧瓦抱轴事故,因此,反转对柴油机危害极大。一旦发生柴油机反转,最简便安全的处理办法是用衣物包裹排气管,堵塞进气道,使柴油机迅速熄火。引起柴油机反转的原因有以下几种。  供油时间过早:活塞还没有运动到压缩上止点,喷油