六十年代,清苑县冉庄村口那三棵百年老杨还生得硬朗茂盛(图一),《地道战》中,发现鬼子进村的高老忠就是敲响了挂在左边那棵树上的警钟,被鬼子打死的。戏拍完的时候,摄制组留下这张合影。第二排左五是导演任旭东,他左后戴白毛巾的是饰“高老忠”的王炳彧。 若干年后,老杨树死于冀中平原的一场干旱。据说它们挺不过旱灾的原因是不知哪一次挖地道时伤了树根——冉庄的地道前前后后挖了许多年,抗战的时候,它是冀中平原上以开展地道战闻名的村庄;随着影片《地道战》的家喻户晓,村里又重新挖掘整修地道,还建立了“地道战纪念馆”。
In the 1960s, three hundred-year-old Lao Yang of Ranzhuang Village in Qingyuan County was also born in a lush and luxuriant manner (Figure 1). In his “real warfare”, Gao Zhongzhong who discovered that the devil was entering the village was ringing the tree hanging on the left The alarm, was killed by the devils. When the filming finished, the crew left this photo. The second row of the left five is director Ren Xudong, wearing a white towel on his left after the decoration is “Gaoyao Zhong” Wang Bingfan. A few years later, the old poplar died of a drought in the Jizhong plain. The reason they are said to be drought is that they did not know which of the following had damaged the roots when digging the tunnels - they dug for many years before and after the tunnels of the ancestors of the Zhuang Autonomous Region and were the villages famous for conducting road warfare in the Jizhong Plain during the war of resistance against Japan. With the well-known movie “Tunnel Warfare”, the village re-excavation renovation tunnels, but also established a “memorial war tunnel.”