“新住宅运动”提出不久就获得高度的理解、鼓励和赞誉。原因何在?窃以为,这须得从“中城房网”的创建背景和基本精神来解读。 1980年5月,小平同志关于住房问题的讲话,揭开了全国房改的序幕。20年来,随着房改的推进,我国房地产业取得了空前的发展,幢幢新楼在全国城乡如雨后春笋般拔地而起,城镇面貌为
The “New Residential Movement” was soon put forward a high degree of understanding, encouragement and praise. The reason why? This thought, which must be from the “Midtown Housing Network” to create the background and the basic spirit to interpret. In May 1980, Comrade Xiaoping’s speech on housing issues opened the curtain of national housing reform. In the past 20 years, with the advancement of housing reform, China’s real estate industry has achieved unprecedented growth. Mud blocks of new buildings have mushroomed in urban and rural areas across the country.