Spatial Variability of Soil Organic Carbon in a Watershed on the Loess Plateau

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yahved
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) has great impacts on global warming, land degradation and food security. Classic statistical and geostatistical methods were used to characterize and compare the spatial heterogeneity of SOC and related factors, such as topography, soil type and land use, in the Liudaogou watershed on the Loess Plateau of North China. SOC concentrations followed a log-normal distribution with an arithmetic and geometric means of 23.4 and 21.3 g kg-1, respectively, were moderately variable (CV = 75.9%), and demonstrated a moderate spatial dependence according to the nugget ratio (34.7%). The experimental variogram of SOC was best-fitted by a spherical model, after the spatial outliers had been detected and subsequently eliminated. Lower SOC concentrations were associated with higher elevations. Warp soils and farmland had the highest SOC concentrations, while aeolian sand soil and shrublands had the lowest SOC values. The geostatistical characteristics of SOC for the different soil and land use types were different. These patterns were closely related to the spatial structure of topography, and soil and land use types. Soil organic carbon (SOC) has great impacts on global warming, land degradation and food security. Classic statistical and geostatistical methods were used to characterize and compare the spatial heterogeneity of SOC and related factors, such as topography, soil type and land use, in the Liudaogou watershed on the Loess Plateau of North China. SOC concentrations followed a log-normal distribution with an arithmetic and geometric means of 23.4 and 21.3 g kg-1, respectively, were moderately variable (CV = 75.9%), and demonstrated a moderate Spatial dependence according to the nugget ratio (34.7%). The experimental variogram of SOC was best-fitted by a spherical model, after the spatial outliers had been detected and subsequently eliminated. Lower SOC concentrations were associated with higher elevations. Warp soils and farmland had the highest SOC concentrations, while aeolian sand soil and shrublands had the lowest SOC values. The geostatistical characteristics of SOC for the different soil and land use types were different. These patterns were closely related to the spatial structure of topography, and soil and land use types.
南北朝时期颜之推教育子女的《颜氏家训》说:“墨翟之徒,世谓热腹,杨朱之侣,世谓冷肠。肠不可冷,腹不可热,当以仁义为节文尔。”  颜之推说,像墨子那样的,就叫作热腹,太过热心;像杨朱那样的,就叫作冷肠,又太过无情。冷肠和热腹,都是走极端,正确的做法,是“肠不可冷,腹不可热”,一切以仁义为标准。  《颜氏家训》所提出的问题仍然时时困扰着我们。比如,朋友遇到了困难,帮不帮忙?什么样的事一定要帮,什么样的