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新世纪的第一年,北京申奥成功,中国终于入世,有幸欣逢中华民族发展史上具有深远历史意义的大事,我作为一名老归侨、老侨务工作者、改革开放之初奋斗在一线的老同志.与广大海内外炎黄子孙一样.无不感到扬眉吐气、精神振奋。与此同时,令人分外欣喜的是,近些年来我十分关注、努力促进的中国经纪人事业,在新世纪第一春,我年届八秩之际,也取得了重大的进展:中国惟一专门为经纪、中介、咨询业服务的媒体——《经纪人》杂志终于正式创刊了!作为《经纪人》主办单位的领导、《经纪人》指导委员会主任,我对一年来《经纪人》月刊为培 In the first year of the new century, when Beijing succeeded in its Olympic bid for the Olympic Games, China finally became a member of the WTO and was fortunate enough to meet the historic event of great significance in the history of the development of the Chinese nation. As an old returned overseas Chinese and an old overseas Chinese worker, I worked hard at the beginning of reform and opening up Comrades, like the general public at home and abroad, all feel proud and energetic. At the same time, what is particularly delightful is that in recent years I have been very concerned about the endeavoring to promote the cause of China’s brokerages. In the first spring of the new century, when I was in the eighth place, great progress was made: China The only media dedicated to brokerage, brokerage and consulting services - Broker Magazine was finally launched! As the manager of “Broker” and the director of the “Broker” Steering Committee, Monthly for the training
为扶持出口企业发展,山东省莱西市国家税务局的税务干部经常深入企业,为企业发展献计献策。图为该局税务干部深入某游艇出口企业,了解具体生产经营情况。 In order to suppo
目的 :采用计算机优化技术优化甲氨蝶呤人血白蛋白微球的制备工艺。方法 :以均匀设计方法考察不同因素在3个水平下对微球平均粒径的影响。实验结果以多元线性回归法处理。结
研究了 8090 合金超塑性变形中的位错行为。透射电镜观察表明晶内位错产生于三角晶界,晶界台阶和粒子处。在变形初期,晶内位错滑移相当活跃;在变形中期,晶内位错发生回复形成
对15MnMoVNRe等低合金高强钢的冷裂敏感性进行了试验研究,并制定了既能避免冷裂纹产生,又可防止热影响区脆化的焊接工艺。 The cold cracking susceptibility of low alloy
严寒的冬天,适度给宝宝进行耐寒训练,可以让宝宝在冬天拥有超强免疫力和强健的体魄。但是宝宝尚小,体质也不一样,因此掌握正确的训练方式显得尤为重要。 Cold winter, moder
目的探讨儿科手足口病中用药不良反应的发生特点以及临床表现。方法通过对180例ADR患儿进行详细的分析报告,构建数据库,采用SPSS16.0软件系统进行统计学处理和分析。结果 ADR
Textile Chemicals play a very importantrole in the upgrading of textile and in-creasing of its added-value.They notonly render textile more functions andfashio