
来源 :青年作家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yesky556
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时代更新的速度往往快得让人应接不暇,即使是工笔这样传统的绘画方式也在其技法、色调、内涵、构图、肌理等元素上不断翻新。在21世纪的今天出现了许多关于荒诞、奇幻、新颖、独到、超现实的画作风格。它们弥漫着强烈的时代符号气息,标志着70后80后的年轻画家们在标新立异上的着重追求。这是个张扬个性的时代,这是个寻求自我的时代,这还是个充满蛮荒和迷幻的时代。 The speed of the times is often too fast for people to update. Even the traditional painting methods such as meticulous writing are continuously renovated in terms of their technique, color, connotation, composition and texture. In the 21st century, many absurd, fantastic, novel, unique and surreal paintings have appeared. They are filled with a strong symbol of the times symbol of the young painters after 70 after 80 focused on unconventional pursuit. This is an era of publicity personality, this is a time of seeking self, this is a time full of wild and psychedelic.
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