隆冬季节是中风的高发期,我们应怎样加强预防,发现先兆,防患于未然呢? 中风多见于中老年人,是一种急危多发病和常见病,以突然昏仆、半身不遂、口舌歪斜、失语或语言謇涩、半身麻木为主要临床表现,来势凶猛,变化迅速。隆冬时节,人体的生理机能处于低谷。寒冷刺激头部,可使脑动脉硬化患者脑血管收缩,血流受阻,供血减少,
In the winter season is the high incidence of stroke, how should we strengthen prevention, find aura, take preventive measures? Stroke more common in the elderly, is a frequently-occurring disease and common disease, sudden faint servant, hemiplegia, tongue skew , Aphasia or language 謇 astringent, half-length numbness as the main clinical manifestations, ferocious, rapid changes. Winter season, the body’s physiological function at a low ebb. Cold stimulation of the head, can make patients with cerebral arteriosclerosis cerebral vasoconstriction, blocked blood flow, reduced blood supply,