March 16, 1802 is a memorable day in American history. On this day, Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, formally signed the resolution on establishing an army military school approved at the first session of the Seventh National Assembly. On the 4th of July of the same year, the U.S. Army Officer School was formally announced at West Point, a military fortress about 80 kilometers away from New York City, from the Hudson River, and finally the United States finally has its first school of vocational officers. For West Point, two hundred years is its history, almost as long as the history of the United States. For two hundred years, it has trained a total of about 50,000 students, including two presidents of the United States, four five-star generals, more than 3,700 generals, and a large group of distinguished politicians, entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, education Home and artist and more. “Responsibility, honor, state ” motto, inspire generation after generation of West Point do everything we can to serve the motherland.