【摘 要】
Rainfall interception is of great significance to the fully utilization of rainfall in water limited areas. Until now, studies on rainfall partitioning process of typical ecosystems in Heihe River Bas
【出 处】
Journal of Geographical Sciences
Rainfall interception is of great significance to the fully utilization of rainfall in water limited areas. Until now, studies on rainfall partitioning process of typical ecosystems in Heihe River Basin, one of the most important inland river basins in
水分是黄河三角洲贝壳堤滩脊地带植被生长的主要限制因子。以4年生杠柳(Periploca sepium)苗木为对象,模拟贝壳砂干旱生境,设定对照(土壤相对含水量RWC为77.72%)、轻度(RWC为58.16%)、中度(RWC为42.98%)及重度(RWC为32.39%)干旱胁迫4组水分梯度,测定分析杠柳叶片气体交换参数的光响应以及叶绿素荧光参数。结果表明:(1)水分条件可显著影响贝壳砂生境杠柳叶片
基于2016、2017年生长季原位气象监测数据,利用Shuttleworth-Wallace(S-W)模型模拟了科尔沁沙地主要固沙植物小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)群落的蒸散发,对蒸散组分进行了拆分,并利用涡度相关系统对模拟蒸散发值进行了验证。结果表明:2016、2017年生长季小叶锦鸡儿群落蒸散发量分别为345.4、325.2 mm,土壤蒸发量分别为93.8、83.8 m
Since 2005, dozens of geographical observational stations have been established in the Heihe River Basin(HRB), and by now a large amount of meteorological, hydrological, and ecological observations as
封面图片为OHS-2C(贵阳一号)高光谱卫星于2018年8月16日获取的甘肃省酒泉区域的标准假彩色遥感影像。OHS-2C(贵阳一号)属于"珠海一号"卫星星座,是由珠海欧比特宇航科技股份有限公司发射并运营的商业遥感微纳卫星星座。星座规划由34颗不同种类的卫星组成,目前已发射升空3颗视频星,4颗高光谱星,并计划于2019年8月继续发射5颗卫星。每颗OHS高光谱卫星均配置1台空间分辨率优于10 m、幅宽
The Babao River Basin is the "water tower" of the Heihe River Basin. The combination of vulnerable ecosystems and inhospitable natural environments substantially restricts the existence of humans and
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