玉米 ( Zea mays L.)组织培养早在 70年代就已开始 ,已有从花药、幼穗、幼胚等不同外植体获得再生植株的报道 [1~ 5]。然而用玉米胚叶诱导愈伤组织并再生出完整植株 ,却未见报道。以玉米胚叶作外植体诱导产生再生植株 ,避免了以幼穗、幼胚等作外植体进行玉米组织培养及转基因?
Tissue culture of corn (Zea mays L.) has been started as early as the 1970s. There have been reports of regenerated plants obtained from different explants such as anther, ear and embryo [1-5]. However, the use of maize embryo-induced callus and regeneration of intact plants, has not been reported. Using the embryo of maize as explants to induce the regenerated plant, avoiding the tissue culture and transgene of corn with the young ear and immature embryo as explants.