20世纪80年代初发展起来的植物基因工程技术能够对植物进行精确地改造,转基因作物(GMC,genetically modified crops)在产量、抗性和品质方面有显著的改进,同时也可以极大地降低农业生产成本,缓解不断恶化的农业生态环境。人们将这次技术上的巨大飞跃称为第二次“绿色革命”。由于资源的限制,增加产量不可能寄希望于耕地面积的扩大,而只能依靠提高作物的单产来实现。这次技术革命将使全球农业生产发生深刻的变革,使人们看到消除饥饿与贫困的希望。
Plant genetic engineering developed in the early 1980s enabled the precise modification of plants. GMC (genetically modified crops) produced significant improvements in yield, resistance and quality while also greatly reducing agricultural production Cost, ease the deteriorating agro-ecological environment. People call this huge technological leap second “green revolution.” Due to resource constraints, increasing production can not pin its hopes on the expansion of arable land but can only be achieved by increasing yields of crops. This technological revolution will bring about profound changes in global agricultural production and make people see the hope of ending hunger and poverty.