Tujia People: An Ethnic Group Nurtured by Nature

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  By Mo Tingting
  With a population of approximately 8 million people, the Tujia people is an ethnic minority found in the provinces of Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou. The Tujia has a long history with 2,000 years and their ancestors first immigrated to the western parts of China.
  They live mainly on agriculture and fish. Industrial crops, such as tung oil and tea are the main economic drivers in the area. The natural abundance of the area and its great scenery are indeed a source of pride for the Tujia people.
  The root of Tujia People
  There are several conflicting versions of the origin of the Tujias. Some say they are the descendants of the ancient Ba people; others claim they came from Jiangxi Province at the end of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In any case, the Tujia was a distinct ethnic group in western Hunan by the early Five Dynasties period, around the year 910. The Tujia ethnic group was officially recognized as one of the 55 ethnic groups in 1957 by the Chinese government.
  The Tujia language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman group of the Sino-Tibetan language family, yet it is only used in a few areas today. Since there is no written version of the Tujia language, the language of the Han is most often used among Tujia people.
  Like many minority groups in China, the Tujia people believe in the power of ancestors and gods. White tigers are highly revered and are thought to prevent evil. White tiger worship is quite significant among the group as they call themselves “Offspring of the White Tiger.” The belief sprang from a legend about an ancient leader of Tujia defeating enemies and helping his people settle down. He gained respect and esteem of his people and he turned into a white tiger after his death. Statues of white tigers can still be found in homes of most Tujia families as a protector. And the white tiger worship also can be seen in their wedding decorations and traditional dances.
  Pleasant life in the pretty land
  Not surprisingly, their main staples are rice and corn. Wine, brewed out of glutinous rice and pickled vegetables are common culinary items. An additional breakfast is included during the busy harvest.
  Their houses, known as Diaojiaolou (stilted building) are very functional and similar to those of the Miao. On the lower floor, there is livestock; while the girls’ bedrooms are kept upstairs. This design focuses on the use of small rooms but is also well ventilated, damp-proof and clean.   Tujia brocade is one of the traditional handcrafts of Tujia and regarded as one of the four excellent brocades of ethnic minorities in China. Traditional Tujia brocade is hand-knitted, using organic materials such linen, cotton and silk.
  Tujia brocade is called Xilankapu, which means quilt with embroidered patterns in Tujia’s language. It has been widely used in Tujia people’s daily life as bedcover, cover for baby’s cradle and accessory in skirt, and etc. Tujia people have enjoyed it for more than 1,000 years due to its beautiful appearance and durableness. It is woven by hand, with blue, black, red, and white threads going lengthwise and silk, cotton and wool of many kinds of colors going across. It has tight structure, bright and beautiful colors and unique patterns, showing significant artistry.
  The inherited unique customs
  Traditionally, Tujia women wear jackets trimmed with lace and with short, broad sleeves. They wear long skirts, and wrap their coiled hair in cloth. They adorn themselves with necklaces, earrings, bracelets and ankle bracelets. Tujia men wear short jackets with many buttons in front. The traditional hand-woven “xi” and “tong” cloth with intricate designs are the main material for clothing. In pre-1949 times, the gentry wore furs in winter, while the poor peasants wore thin garments and were cold.
  The girl of Tujia ethnic group is ready to cry after she is engaged. The procedure is crying with mother, sister-in-law and the female neighbors every night. Both cry with handkerchief on bed, and the others are sobbing. It will last 7-10 days until the bride is tired.
  Crying-wedding is mainly to describe the sad feelings of the leaving home, to pay gratitude of being treated kindly by relatives, to curse the matchmaker and to encourage the bride. Crying-wedding symbols the girl’s wit, kindness and maturity. They learn to cry wedding when they are 12 or 13 and the tune is harmonious.
8月3日,中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅以视频方式出席中国—东盟(10+1)外长会,东盟10国外长和东盟秘书长与会。  中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅:东盟是中国周边外交的优先方向。2020年外长会以来,双方领导人保持战略沟通,为中国—东盟关系提供政治引领。双方友好合作取得新的重要进展。一是团结抗疫诠释友邻之谊;二是贸易投资合作可圈可点;三是可持续发展合作稳步推进;四是“南海行为准则”磋商保持势头。202
今年是中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年,在中国—东盟关系进入发展新阶段之际,中国驻马来西亚大使欧阳玉靖接受了本刊记者的连线采访,就中马两国关系、抗疫合作、经济复苏及人文交流等问题阐述了自己的看法。  中马关系的3个“特别高”  马来西亚之于东盟和中国,都是相当特别的存在。马来西亚于东盟,是创始成员国之一,积极打造“东盟方式”与相关规范制度,并以此在东盟发展及地区一体化中发挥着突出作用。马来西亚于中国
2021年8月,菲律宾卸任中国—东盟关系协调国,中方如何评价菲律宾担任协调国3年来,在推动中国—东盟关系发展上的表现;当前中菲关系有哪些新特点、新成果;未来如何让中菲友好的种子播撒在更多菲律宾民众的心间?值此中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年之际,近期,本刊记者带着这些问题对中国驻菲律宾大使黄溪连进行了专访。  中菲合力推進中国—东盟关系  30年前,中方受邀参加第24届东盟外长会议,标志着中国—东盟
“缅甸是东盟重要成员,中国—东盟关系与中缅关系相互促进、互为补充,中国—东盟关系的良好发展为中缅关系发展提供了广阔平台、丰富内涵和有力支撑。”中国驻缅甸大使陈海近期在接受本刊记者专访时这样说道。  从陈海大使的娓娓道来中,我们看到,中国—东盟建立对话关系30年来,中国—东盟相处的智慧、经贸合作的成效、文化交流的積淀,都在中缅两国关系发展的历程中投射下了积极能量;也看到中缅友好合作给两国人民带来的满
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8月7日,中国—东盟科创峰会在线上开幕,马来西亚各界人士积极参与,并表示对马中两国科创合作“寄予厚望”。  中国—东盟商务理事会执行理事长许宁宁:数字经济合作是中国和东盟未来以创新引领发展的合作重点领域,双方企业家应积极参与推进数字经济合作。建议中国和东盟企业家应积极参加“丝路电商”行动,加快数字商务建设;建议中国和东盟双方应共同抓住RCEP带来的新机遇,着力实施产业合作,并将对接合作做细做实;建
“提升经贸合作,加快地区经济全面复苏。”中国国家主席习近平在第17届中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)开幕式上这样倡议道。近年来,经贸合作早已成为中国—东盟合作中最亮丽的风景线。如今,提升中国—东盟经贸合作,不仅是顺应双方关系高质量发展的大势所趋,更是疫情之下加快地区经济全面复苏的当务之急。  作为推进区域经济一体化的务实平台,用足用好自身平台功能,为中国—东盟乃至东亚地区经贸合作全面发展发挥更大
涠洲岛的开发也仅是近几年的事,整座岛屿大约25平方公里,是鼓浪屿的12倍,但通过流量控制,每天允许上岛的游客数量相当于鼓浪屿实际上岛游客的1/10。所以即便是这两年开始有些名气了,但上了岛之后除了一些集中的景点,基本上不会人山人海,是个适合散心的好地方。  这里没有太多的商业化与矫饰,只有深蓝的海,淳朴的民风,以及等待旅行者慢慢发掘的无限惊喜。  岛上夜钓,独家体验  涠洲岛不仅是个海岛旅游圣地,
2020年11月23日,第17届中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会)首次创办的“云上东博会”平台正式上线,让境内外因为疫情不能实地参展的企业与宾客在线上体验了一把全新的参展形式。时至今日,“365天永不落幕”的东博会通过云上平台开门迎客,已为境内外客商提供线上展示、洽谈、推广等多项服务,实现了全年在线常态化运营。  牵“网线”,聚“云端”。在全球疫情仍未结束的当下,活动举办模式将线下放到线上同频共振
1951年至2021年,中国与巴基斯坦已经携手走过70年“风雨之路”,两国结成了全天候、经过时间考验的全面战略合作伙伴关系,构建了更为紧密的中巴命运共同体。这是比山还高、比海还深、比蜜还甜、比钢还硬的“铁杆友谊”。  巴基斯坦多年来积极参加中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会),为本国打开了中国和东盟市场。第18届东博会将于2021年9月10日~13日在中国南宁举办,巴基斯坦将继续担任特邀合作伙伴,借