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文章首先分析了烟草制丝线生产现状,指出了当前制丝线生产存在的不足。在此基础上对生产指挥系统进行了介绍,提出生产指挥系统是一种连接过程控制系统和企业信息系统的系统管理方式,既可独立于企业信息系统应用又可依附于企业信息系统。此系统使用后优化排产,提高生产效率;工艺配方的管理,形成工艺参数闭环的控制,保障工艺参数的稳定性;产品的追溯与监控,保障了生产过程的严谨性;质量管理模块,便于对生产质量进行评估。 The article first analyzes the status quo of tobacco silk production, and points out the shortcomings of current silk production. On this basis, the production command system is introduced. It is proposed that the production command system is a system management method that connects the process control system and the enterprise information system. It can be used independently of the enterprise information system and attached to the enterprise information system. After the system is used to optimize the production scheduling, improve production efficiency; process recipe management, the formation of closed-loop process control parameters to ensure the stability of process parameters; product traceability and monitoring to ensure the rigor of the production process; quality management module to facilitate Evaluate the quality of production.
李开复的官司尚未平息,摩托罗拉又将前任总裁扎菲罗夫斯基告上法庭。  微软和Google之间关于李开复的官司尚未平息,摩托罗拉又将前任总裁扎菲罗夫斯基告上法庭。不久前,加拿大北电网络任命扎菲罗夫斯基(Mike S. Zafirovski)为新的首席执行官兼总裁。  摩托罗拉发言人Jennifer Weyrauch证实该公司已经诉诸于法庭,并已立案。Weyrauch说:“我们对此事非常慎重,将采取一切