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这次“′93城市住宅建设国际研讨会”得到了国际上很多朋友的帮助与支持。由于社会制度不同和经济发达程度不一样,因此有很多问题你们很难理解我们的做法,所以我们请你们来,希望你们能多了解一些中国的情况,也希望在可能的条件下,帮助我们进行各项建设。中国政府在经济很困难的情况下,把解决中国城乡人民的住宅作为一件大事来抓。这几年,我国每年城乡新建住宅8亿m~2左右,其中城市占24%,1.8亿m~2。中国人口十一亿七千万人,其中26%的人口在城镇居住,当前我们城镇人民的居住水平,如果按建筑面积考虑每人平均在11m~2左右,与发达国家相比我们还是非常低的水平。中国政府准备在今后的10年内,把提高人民居住水平当作一件大事来抓。过去我们把解决城市住宅问题当作福利问题来解决。可是经过30年的实践,我们觉得此路不通。原因有二, The ’93 International Symposium on Urban Housing Construction ’received the help and support of many international friends. Due to the different social systems and the different degrees of economic development, there are many problems that make it difficult for you to understand our practices. Therefore, we invite you to come and hope that you will learn more about the situation in China and also wish to help us carry out our work under the possible conditions Various construction. In the difficult economic situation, the Chinese government has taken the solution to the housing of Chinese urban and rural residents as a major issue. In recent years, new housing in urban and rural areas in our country is about 800 million m ~ 2 each year, of which 24% are cities and 180 million m ~ 2. China has a population of 1.1 billion, of whom 26% live in cities and towns. At present, the living standard of our urban residents is about 11m ~ 2 per person on average, and we are still very low compared to the developed countries s level. The Chinese government is ready to grasp the issue of raising the living standard of the people as a major event within the next 10 years. In the past we solved the problem of urban housing as a welfare issue. However, after 30 years of practice, we find it hard to come by. There are two reasons,
目的:检测肺组织中类胰蛋白酶、补体C3a的表达,初步探讨羊水栓塞(AFE)的发病机制。方法对28例尸检病例通过补体C3a与类胰蛋白酶抗原免疫组织化学染色进行回顾性研究。结果 A FE组
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