黄斑部的色觉,在生理方面即比较复杂,Koenig(1894)在实验中发现,黄斑区中央凹对蓝色不敏感,其范围约相当50~70分角,严格的中央凹视觉,对亮度较弱的蓝色点与绿色点不能鉴别。Willmer(1946)也指出,在视角很小时(约20分角),中央凹不能分辨亮度不大的蓝色和绿色。另外,还有所谓的“麦克韦圆斑”(Maxwell Spot)问题,即当眼睛观看大面积颜色均匀的表面时,在视野正中,会出现一个略带红色的圆斑,直径大约4°,没有明确的界限,对视觉影响很小,在日常生活中并不感觉其存在,只有在实验室中观察高亮度的颜色表面时,才会出现。因此在研究黄斑区的色觉时,观察
The color vision of the macula is physiologically complex. Koenig (1894) found in the experiments that the fovea is not sensitive to blue, and its range is about 50-70 centigrade. Severe foveal vision is more sensitive to brightness Weak blue point and green point can not be identified. Willmer (1946) also pointed out that when the angle of view is very small (about 20 minutes), the fovea can not distinguish between the less bright blue and green. In addition, there is the so-called Maxwell Spot problem that when the eye views a large, uniformly colored surface, a slightly reddish circular spot appears in the center of the field of view about 4 ° in diameter without Clear boundaries have little effect on vision and do not feel their presence in everyday life, only when viewed in laboratories with brightly colored surfaces. Therefore, when studying the color vision of the macula, we observed