地处浙江第二大河——瓯江之畔的丽水,景色秀丽、风光旖旎。这里,活跃着一支年青的、团结的油画群体。群体的成员有的刚刚步出美术学院的大门,有的则已在画布上耕耘了十几年。 瓯江的天然风光给予他们以灵感和启迪。家乡的山光水色唤
Zhejiang is located the second largest river - the banks of the Oujiang Lishui, beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery. Here, an active group of young, united oil paintings are active. Some members of the group have just stepped out of the door of the Academy of Fine Arts, while others have been working on the canvas more than a decade. Oujiang natural scenery to give them inspiration and inspiration. Home mountain water color call