专题4 矢量图解运动问题

来源 :中学物理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengyingying
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教你一手  一、矢量加、减运算的图示矢量的加、减运算 ,即矢量的合成与分解是处理物理问题必备的数学方法 .矢量加减依据平行四边形定则 ,也可简化为三角形 (多边形 )法 .其图解方法如图4 1 ,若已知矢量A、B、(如图 4 1 (a) ) ,当求R =A +B ,即作矢量的加法时 ,可将A、B两矢 It teaches you to add, subtract, and subtract vectorial additions and subtractions of vectorial additions and subtractions, that is, the synthesis and decomposition of vectors is an indispensable mathematical method for dealing with physics problems. Vector addition and subtraction is based on the parallelogram rule and can also be simplified as a triangle. (Polygon) method. The graphical method is shown in Fig. 4.1. If the vectors A and B are known (Fig. 4 1 (a)), when R = A + B, which is the addition of the vector, A, B two vectors
春季闲暇的时候,我看到阳台上空着的花盆,总感觉少了点什么。于是,我便将几个辣椒剥开,把籽撒在几个花盆里,翻翻土把它们盖上,浇上水便不再管了。时间一长我便忘了。  日子就这么一天天过去。有一天早晨,阳光明媚,柔风习习。早饭后,我来到阳台。惊讶地看到几个花盆里竟然长出很多辣椒秧苗,我脑海一下闪出一个念头——辣椒籽能发芽,那何不试试在花盆里种辣椒呢?我小心地拔掉矮小的秧苗,留下高大的。在6个花盆里种上7