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作文教学仿佛成了多数语文教师较为头痛的一件事,特别是面临新课改,大部分边远农村小学教师对作文教学则成了交差行事。为什么有些人写文章如行云流水,笔到之处,文意丰富,言辞自然。这与多读有极大关系。多读书可以帮助我们扩大眼界,打开思路,增长智慧,提高观察能力和想象力。然而,我们面对的小学生不可能多读书籍,特别是面临农村的孩子,阅读量就更少了,致使农村小学的作文教学难度较大。如何培养农村小学生的写作技巧呢?笔者认为可以在看图作文中多指导学生,让他们仔细观察,扩展想象。看图作文,也叫看图说话,是给材料作文的一种形式。它提供的材料是有一定意义的图画,目的在于通过观察画面,训练学生的观察能力,想象能力和表现能力。第一,注重图画观察。在教学中,首先要引导学生仔细观察,真正弄懂图意,把整个画面的前后左右、远近上下看得清清楚楚。看清图上所表现的时间、 Essay teaching seems to have become a headache for most language teachers. In particular, facing the new curriculum reform, most rural primary school teachers in remote rural areas have become interdependent on writing teaching. Why do some people write articles such as flowing, written, rich in meaning, natural language. This is a great deal with multiple readings. Reading more can help us to broaden our horizons, open our minds, increase our intelligence, and improve our observational and imaginative skills. However, it is impossible for primary school pupils we face to read more books, especially for rural children, and reading volumes are even less. As a result, it is very difficult to teach composition in rural primary schools. How to cultivate rural pupils writing skills? I believe that you can see in the composition of the picture more guidance to students, let them carefully observe and expand the imagination. Look at picture composition, also known as pictures, is a form of material composition. The material it provides is a meaningful picture for the purpose of training students to observe, visualize and express their abilities by observing the pictures. First, pay attention to the picture observation. In teaching, we must first guide the students to carefully observe, really understand the meaning, the entire picture before and after, far and near see clearly. See the graph on the performance of time,
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