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李昂为当地医生讲解胃肠道间质瘤标准诊疗指南Li Ang explains the standard diagnosis and treatment guidelines of gastrointestinal stromal tumors to local doctors



  情洒非洲,心盼故乡。为期一年的医疗援助已于2019年2月结束,医疗队也返回国内。回忆在圣普与队友“并肩作战”的日子,李昂说,“这是对我的考验,是我职业生涯的催化剂,也是人生中一笔宝贵财富。”   On the flight ET637 from Chengdu to Ethiopia on February 3, 2018, a passenger suddenly fainted in the cabin. He was looking pale and his lips were turning bluish. Fortunately, there was a Chinese medical team on board in the urgent situation. After nearly 20 minutes of emergency treatment administered by the team led by Li Ang, the passenger was out of danger.
  As the third batch of medical team sent by Sichuan Province to assist Sao Tome and Principe (STP), this team“won the first battle” at the rescue, starting the foreign medical aid work on a good note.

李昂為圣普前总理特罗达瓦治疗Li Ang treats Trovada, former Prime Minister of S?o Tomé and Príncipe

  Outstanding achievements were garnered in the medical aid work in STP over the past year. As the team leader, Li Ang, deputy director of the Department of Pancreatic Surgery of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, won the honorary title of “model individual of China’s foreign medical aid work” by right of his selfless love and benevolence for patients and superb skills.

A doctor who takes responsibilities ensures the in-depth development of China’s medical aid work to foreign countries

  When talking about honor, Li regarded it as a recognition of his work. He said, “Medical aid, serving as a ‘goldlettered signboard’ of China’s foreign aid work, can earn a good reputation for China from the recipient countries.”
  To brighten the gold-lettered signboard, Li was fully prepared both mentally and professionally. “As soon as my hospital received the foreign aid assignment, I submitted my application voluntarily, because I believe that in our life, happiness comes from giving. Moreover, it is China and the Party that has cultivated me and I should do something meaningful when I am required to give and return.”
  Before setting out, Li earnestly studied Portuguese and local laws and regulations of STP, and gained detailed understanding of local medical and sanitary conditions. Although he made every effort to prepare, there was still a hardship in actual practice.
  Thwarted by relatively backward economy and poor medical conditions, the recipient country suffered from a worrisome industry environment.
  “We view the cure of patients as our own responsibility to delivery medical aid work. And as a doctor who has received strict training, I need to spur more local doctors with my own behavior,” Li said.   That’s what Li said and did. Under his leadership during in STP, the team worked hard and made solid efforts. They received 2,588 medical cases and provided 12 free medical treatments in total, which broke new grounds for China’s medical aid undertaking in STP; they also helped the Health Commission of Sichuan Province promote its threeyear project of counterpart hospital assistance – Laparoscopic Technical Assistance Project, drafted the project plan and the donation list of laparoscopic instruments, which labeled high-tech medical services as China’s aid work; in addition, they also assisted in advancing the project of donating “Mobile Medical Vehicles” to STP, which was proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC, and drew up the parameters of medical equipment and vehicle configuration of the project, by which they boosted the indepth development of China’s medical aid work to foreign countries.

A surgeon who masters superb skills earns himself unanimous praise from all people including the Prime Minister

  The arrival of Chinese medical teams has slowly improved the limited surgical level of STP, which has a population of about 200,000.
  One day in July 2018, a patient“with a tumor the size of a football in his stomach” came to STP National Hospital, putting local doctors in a quandary. They were unable to do any operation given the complexity of the tumor and the difficulty of laparotomy.
  Having known the situation, Li diagnosed the patient and asserted that his tumor was most likely the gastrointestinal stromal tumor. He suggested a surgery as soon as possible to save the patient’s life.
  On July 11, Li personally carried out the first local giant gastric stromal tumor resection in STP National Hospital. Intraoperatively, it was confirmed that the tumor grew in the outer wall of the stomach and had an envelope, which was in line with the clinical diagnostic features of gastric stromal tumor. With the cooperation of local doctors, Li successfully removed the tumor with a diameter of up to 20cm. The patient had no complications after the surgery and recovered well.
  After the surgery, Li also explained the diagnosis and treatment criteria of gastrointestinal stromal tumors for local doctors. With over 300 surgeries carried out during the foreign aid in STP, Li has earned himself the praise from both local doctors and patients.
  In addition to treating locals in STP, Li also successfully implemented a plantar fasciitis surgery for the country’s former Prime Minister Patrice Trovoada to alleviate his pain in walking.   One day in April 2018, Li received a message from Trovoada for help. Severe plantar fasciitis over more than a month made Trovoada hard to walk. And he was time-starved for the treatment as a state visit was on the schedule.
  Li, after diagnosing Trovoada in his official residence, immediately contacted professor Yang Bangxiang, expert in the Department of Pain Treatment at West China Hospital, and developed a treatment scheme to be operated on him before the visit. During the surgery, 3D anatomical drawings were displayed through mobile phone software to explain the anatomy of the disease for Trovoada and keep him relaxed.
  “The treatment was done at 5 p.m. and Trovoada’s flight was at 8 p.m. He could walk on the ground immediately after the surgery, and there was no recurrence during his visit. The therapeutic effect was satisfactory,” Li later learned.

A man who overflows with enthusiasm wins himself a valuable asset of life

  For Li and his team, how to improve the medical skills of local medical workers in STP was a top priority.
  “Aseptic technique is the most basic requirement during surgical operations to keep patients safe from infection. But there is a general lack of such awareness among local healthcare workers.” Li understood that it is necessary to take right approaches that can protect the self-esteem of local medical workers while promoting aseptic technique.
  By far Li has conducted trainings for local doctors on common disease diagnosis and treatment for about 20 times, which has driven the standardization of local clinical treatment and significantly improved the performance of local medical workers.
  Apart from many difficulties at work that required them constantly reinvent themselves, Li and his team also suffered from water and power outages and “giant insects” in life. Fortunately, all team members are very self-regulating.
  A mango tree in the area where the medical team was stationed can bring great joy to them. It was an unmanaged fruit tree. Fruits would fall off when it was getting ripe and they would pick up and eat. “I really enjoy it and the jackfruit here is delicious too. We all love it.” Recalling the time in STP, Li smiled.
  On Li’s 39th birthday on August 6, 2018, the team’s interpreter Mo Peng played ukulele to send him a birthday blessing. “In the Chengdu streets we wander and wander, until all the lights go out but we still linger,” lyrics of Chengdu, a folk song recorded by the musician Zhao Lei, touched his heart.
  They worked with might and main in Africa to soothe their homesick heart. The one-year medical aid work ended in February 2019 and the medical team returned home. As he recalled the extraordinary journey he had taken with his teammates in STP, Li said, “It is definitely a test for me, a valuable asset in my life, and also a catalyst for my career.”
共建“一帶一路”倡议提出5年来,各种合作平台和机制已经搭建起来,“一带一路”经贸合作在探索中前进、在创新中发展、在互惠中壮大,各国合作意愿8益增强,合作领域不断扩大,合作层次不断提升。  为进一步深化“一带一路”沿线国家间的经贸合作,需要解决好以下几方面问题:一是我国与“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的贸易潜力有待进一步挖掘。二是贸易投资自由化、便利化水平有待提升。三是市场和社会主体的积极性和潜力需进一
人们常常用“奇迹",来形容中国过去40年的发展。美国学者雷默在《不可思议的年代》一书开篇就写道:如果你生活在中国,就会看到关于社会福利、医疗卫生、外交政策和技术进步的新想法不断涌现,而且中国正在以越来越快的速度探索和试验这些新想法。其实,外部世界对中国改革开放的看法,早已从“不可思议"变为“值得深思”,特别是当人类与新的时代问题迎面相遇时,更会设身处地认真思考中国的“关键一招"。  回头看看,更觉
5年“一带一路"建设,机遇与挑战并存、成绩与艰难共生,从起步到耕耘,从尝试到融入,从愿景到现实,央企作为实践者和先行者,在共建“一带一路”的各项工作中都取得了显著成效。  愿景变现实的实践者  为推动“一带一路”沿线国家的互联互通,央企在“出海”的布局中,将焦点集中在基础设施的建设和经营上。国资委副主任翁杰明概括道,利用基础设施领域的经验和优势,央企近年来主动参与“一带一路”沿线国家和地区在铁路、
摘要:商业银行为“走出去”企业提供全方位的金融服务,对银企双方是双赢的选择,但限于经验和现有机制,商业银行的国际化服务能力还面临诸多挑战。为此,商业银行应真正践行以客户为中心的理念,为客户提供个性化的全方位服务;持续开展产品创新,适应企业国际化经营的需要;实施人才储备工程,培养国际化人才;充分发挥科技优势,提升银行服务效率。  Abstract: Commercial banks offer a
改革開放是中国的基本国策,也是推动中国社会经济全面发展的根本动力。对外开放推动了中国特色社会主义市场经济建设,使得中国经济更加有效地融入全球经济,大大提升了中国参与全球竞争合作的能力,促进了国民经济和社会持续健康稳定发展。习近平主席倡导的“一带一路”为我国新时代改革开放指明了方向,注入了活力。  “‘一带一路”助力改革和开放互动发展。改革和开放是中国特色社会主义建设和经济社会发展的两大动力,二者相
让世界更加了解中国轨道交通的成就与机遇,让中国轨道交通产业更好地接轨国际!  2018年11月15日,为期3天的2018中国(湖南)国际轨道交通产业博览会(以下简称“轨博会”)在长沙国际会展中心开幕,湖南省人民政府副省长何报翔宣布开馆。国家相关部委负责人,湖南省、长沙市、株洲市有关领导,20余名中国工程院院士、轨道交通装备专家、大型企业领导,“一带一路”沿线十余个国家的驻华使节,国内外采购商及中南
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1953年,一个稀疏平常的日子,因为一个“不速之客”的到来而变得意义非凡。这一天,都江堰一个小镇上的人们像往常一样出门上班,却发现一只野生大熊猫正沿着马路慢慢悠悠地散着步,这可让整个小镇沸腾了起来,随后,大熊猫被救护至成都动物园斧头山饲养场。这只大熊猫是新中国成立后第一只被救护的活体大熊猫,正是他的出现,开启了我国野放大熊猫的救护之路。也因为他的出现,让都江堰这座城市与熊猫结下不解之缘。  大熊猫
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從法国蒙彼利埃来到千里之外的中国西部城市成都工作,白昕迪仍然可以和自己的欧洲“小伙伴们”保持畅通的工作交流。这得益于成都市2017年启用的对欧综合交往平台一“中国一欧洲中心”。  自2017年5月以来,位于四川自贸试验区成都区域内的“中国一欧洲中心”已吸引48家欧洲及“一带一路”沿线国家的办事机构入驻,成为中西部地区对欧交往合作的新窗口,也为入驻办公的国外代表们提供了便利。  这栋192米高的建筑