芍药是春天最后的绽放。初夏时节,桃李凋零,众芳歇息,就连花中之王牡丹也“落尽正凄凉”,而此时芍药则正在欣喜怒放着,因此,宋代大诗人苏轼感叹地吟诵:“多谢花工怜寂寞,尚留芍药殿春风”。于是芍药就有了“殿春”的别称。 芍药是我国传统名花,系毛茛科多年生草本花卉,在我国已经有
Peony is the last bloom of spring. Early summer season, the peaches and plums withered, fragrant rest, even the king of flowers in the peonies also “fall is doing desolate,” while the peony is happy at this time in anger, therefore, the great poet Su Song sigh chant: “Thank you flower workers Pity lonely, stay peony Temple spring. ” So there is a peony “hall spring” another name. Peony is a traditional Chinese flowers, Department of Ranunculaceae perennial herbaceous flowers in our country already have