小子曾以数载之功夫,探索为人处世之道,但苦于天资愚钝,疑云重重,终未能觅得其中“诀窍”。且幸近来偶然购得一处世奇书,不禁喜形于色,连忙秉烛夜读,欲求个中之“三昧”。书中虽然言之不谬、但掩卷细思,却又感慨万端,昔日疑团未解,反又忧出几缕银丝,故尔斗胆诉之于此,请看官指教。 “微笑外交”可谓是一个行之有效的“诀窍”。据称此法一用,常可即时奏效。乍看愉悦对方,实则利在自己。
The boy had a few years of effort, to explore the way of life, but suffer from dull, doubtful, finally failed to find one of the “know-how.” Fortunately, the fortune-teller recently bought a strange book, can not help but pleased with the color, quickly grasped the candlelight night, desire a “samadhi.” Although the book does not absurd, but conceal thinly thought, but with all emotion, the mystery of the past did not understand, but also worry about a few silver wire, so the courage to complain of this, please refer to official advice. “Smiling Diplomacy ” is an effective “know-how ”. Allegedly used this method, often can be effective immediately. Happy to see each other at first glance, but in fact benefit themselves.