徐悲鸿和《义勇军进行曲》的词作者田汉是莫逆之交。 1935年,田汉创作了反对日寇侵略的电影剧本《风云儿女》,其中主题曲《义勇军进行曲》,插曲《铁蹄下的歌女》经聂耳谱写后,不胫而走,先于电影拍成公映就流播传唱。也就是在完成这个剧本的初稿不久,田汉送梅兰芳先生去苏联演出回家时,盯梢的特务一拥而上,田汉不幸被捕。 田汉被捕后,党组织积极进行营救。后来,由田汉夫人林维中出面找到了正在南京中央大学任教
Xu Beihong and “heroic march” wordwriter Tian Han is no match. In 1935, Tian Han created the screenplay “Fengyun children” against the Japanese invaders. The theme song “March of the Volunteer Army” and episode “The Song of the Iron Man” was written by Nie Er, On the broadcast spread. That is, shortly after the completion of the first draft of this script, when Tian Han sent Mr. Mei Lanfang to the Soviet Union to return home, the tinkling secret agents swarmed around and Tian Han was unfortunately arrested. Tian Han was arrested, the party actively carry out the rescue. Later, Mrs. Tian Han came out to find Lin Wei Zhong is teaching at Nanjing Central University