在伟大的抗日战争中,广大祖籍福建安溪县的华侨同仇敌忾,团结奋战,同日本侵略者进行了英勇的斗争,为抗日战争的胜利作出了贡献。1938年10月,爱国侨领陈嘉庚先生在新加坡发动爱国侨胞集会,倡组了南洋华侨筹赈祖国难民总会(简称南侨总会),动员华侨筹集资金,赈济祖国难民, 支援祖国抗日。广大安溪籍华侨纷纷响应号召,投入筹赈抗日活动。庄惠泉担任“南侨总会”劳工组副主
During the Great War of Resistance Against Japan, overseas Chinese in Anxi County, Fujian Province, fought in unison with their enemies and fought uniteously. They fought valiantly with the Japanese invaders and made their contribution to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. In October 1938, Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a patriotic overseas Chinese leader, launched a patriotic overseas Chinese rally in Singapore. He organized overseas Chinese in Nanyang to raise funds for the relief of the motherland’s refugees’ association (NSFC) and mobilized overseas Chinese to raise funds for relief of refugees from the motherland and support for the motherland’s resistance to Japan. The majority of Anxi-Chinese overseas Chinese have responded to the call and put in relief activities against the Japanese. Zhuang Huichuan served as “South Overseas Chinese Federation” deputy head of the labor group