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我国农村在从计划经济向市场经济过渡的过程中出现了多种经济组织形式,但由于制度不健全,特别是因为缺乏法律保护,农村经济组织的主体地位不牢固,这成为发展农业、实现农民增收和农业现代化的障碍。实现规模效益的农村经济组织形式可以是多种多样的,反映在立法中,就要针对不同形式来具体界定。对公司加农户的组织模式,在立法上主要是完善合同制度,强化合同的法律效应,健全法制,强化契约观念;对于新型的农民合作社和股份合作制这两种农村经济组织形式,应当进行系统的立法,对其权利义务、财产归属、收益分配及加入、退出加以规定。农村经济组织立法要坚持以下几个原则:稳定家庭联产承包责任制的原则;自愿入股,加强引导的原则;形式多样的原则;理顺管理体制,消除体制障碍,逐步完善的原则;保护公开、公平竞争的原则。 However, due to the imperfect system, especially because of the lack of legal protection, the dominant position of rural economic organizations is not strong. This has led to the development of agriculture and the realization of peasants’ Barriers to income growth and agricultural modernization. The scale of rural economic organizations to achieve the form of a wide range of forms, reflected in the legislation, it is necessary to specific to different forms to define. The organization model of the corporation and peasant household mainly focuses on improving the contract system, strengthening the legal effect of the contract, perfecting the legal system and strengthening the concept of contract in the legislation. For the two types of rural economic organizations like the new peasant cooperative and the joint-stock cooperative system, Of the legislation, its rights and obligations, property attribution, income distribution and join, exit to be regulated. The legislation of rural economic organizations should adhere to the following principles: the principle of stabilizing the household contract responsibility system; the principle of voluntarily acquiring shares and strengthening guidance; the principle of diversified forms; the principle of rationalizing the management system, eliminating institutional obstacles and gradually improving it; The principle of fair competition.