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目的探讨不同性别青年学生在艾滋病流行危险特征上的异同点,提高今后在该群体中开展艾滋病防治干预的针对性。方法收集2010—2013年连续开展监测的国家级青年学生艾滋病哨点的监测数据。北京青年学生哨点监测是在每年监测期内,采用分阶段整群抽样方法开展监测,每个哨点每年监测样本为800名。结果 2010—2013年男、女两性青年学生有性行为的比例分别为15.1%和12.0%,男性高于女性(χ2=12.9,P<0.01),男女两性有性经历的比例均呈逐年增高趋势(男性趋势χ2=7.6,P<0.01;女性趋势χ2=10.0,P<0.01);在有性行为的青年学生中,女性有固定性伴(配偶或同居的异性朋友)的比例为76.2%,高于男性的53.4%(χ2=48.6,P<0.01),女生有固定性伴的比例有逐年增高趋势(趋势χ2=10.0,P<0.01);男性有临时性行为的比例高于女性(χ2=19.3,P<0.01),分别为19.0%和10.5%;女生临时性行为比例有逐年下降趋势(趋势χ2=6.6,P<0.01);男性有商业性性行为的比例高于女性(χ2=11.3,P<0.01),分别为3.2%和0.4%;男女两性青年学生最近1年做过艾滋病检测的比例均有逐年下降趋势(男性趋势χ2=10.8,P<0.01;女性趋势χ2=6.2,P<0.01)。结论不同性别青年学生在感染艾滋病的危险行为上存在着差异,建议将健康教育进行分级,分为公共课和针对不同性别特点的特色课。将生活技能培训、增强青年在性行为中的协商能力和同性性行为的安全性讨论放到特色课中进行,以提高校园健康教育的针对性和有效性。 Objective To explore the similarities and differences in the risk characteristics of AIDS among young people of different sexes and to improve the pertinence of AIDS prevention and treatment intervention in this group in the future. Methods The monitoring data of AIDS sentinel for national youth students who monitored continuously from 2010 to 2013 were collected. The monitoring of sentinel surveillance by young students in Beijing is carried out by a phased cluster sampling method during the annual monitoring period. Each sentinel surveillance sample has 800 samples per year. Results The proportion of male and female sex students in the period from 2010 to 2013 was 15.1% and 12.0%, respectively, higher in males than in females (χ2 = 12.9, P <0.01). The proportion of sexual experiences of males and females increased year by year (Male trend χ2 = 7.6, P <0.01; female trend χ2 = 10.0, P <0.01). Among the young students who have sex, the proportion of women with fixed partners (spouses or cohabiting heterosexual friends) was 76.2% (Χ2 = 48.6, P <0.01). The proportion of girls with fixed partners increased year by year (trend χ2 = 10.0, P <0.01). The proportion of male with temporary behavior was higher than that of women (χ2 = 48.6, = 19.3, P <0.01), respectively, 19.0% and 10.5% respectively; the proportion of female students in temporary behavior decreased year by year (trend χ2 = 6.6, P <0.01); male had more commercial sex than female (χ2 = 11.3, P <0.01), respectively 3.2% and 0.4%; the proportion of young men and women who have done HIV testing in the recent one year decreased year by year (male trend χ2 = 10.8, P <0.01; female trend χ2 = 6.2, P <0.01). Conclusion There are differences in the risk behaviors of AIDS among young people of different genders. It is suggested that the health education should be graded and divided into public class and special class according to different gender characteristics. Put life skills training, young people’s ability to negotiate sexual behaviors and the safety of same-sex sexual behaviors into special courses so as to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of campus health education.
<正> 1993年2月~1994年3月,我院儿科运用民间验方湿疹所治疗婴幼儿湿疹120例,疗效明显,现报告如下。 临床资料 120例均为门诊患儿,其中男68例,女52例。均起病急,皮疹广泛,舌红
<正> 痒是诸多皮肤病的主要自觉症状,常由风湿、热、虫和血虚风燥所引起.肌肤气血不和是痒产生的病理基础.临床约可归纳成五个常见的证型.1.风热型 好发于春夏,常突然发生.皮