大地复苏,万物轮回,春天的热情终于又被缓慢的察觉出来,它不温不火,不急不躁。在四月的南京——这个至今还弥漫着阴郁之气的昔日古都渐渐扩散开来。但“下一站”的到来却像是某种契机使得这个城市的艺术热情急遽的升温起来。从四月十一日起,一群年轻的艺术家们在圣划艺术中心用他们的奇思妙想和光怪陆离的作品撩拨着春天持续的热情,附和着春天特有的清新气息。 “下一站——系列当代艺术展”由三个展览部分组成,每个展览从布置作品到展览结束为期一周。每个部分由一位策划人独立主持,共有来自上海、苏州、杭州、石家庄等城市及南京本地的31名艺术家参加,这些艺术家大多出生于70年
The recovery of the earth, the reincarnation of all things, the spring’s enthusiasm has finally been slowly perceived, it tepid, not impatient. In April, Nanjing, the ancient capital of ancient times filled with dark gloom, has gradually spread. But the arrival of “the next stop” is like an opportunity to heat up the art of the city enthusiastically. Starting from April 11, a group of young artists used their whimsy and bizarre work in San Zhua Art Center to tout the ongoing enthusiasm of the spring with a fresh air of spring. The Next Stop - Series Contemporary Art Exhibition consists of three exhibition sections, each one week from the layout of the works to the end of the exhibition. Each section is independently chaired by a curator, with a total of 31 artists from Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shijiazhuang and other local cities and local Nanjing. Most of these artists were born in 1970