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乡镇地区的中小学由于其相对于城边和农村的地理位置,决定了他不同于城市学校的一些特点。特别是乡镇地区的中学,面对的生源基础不如城区,不同程度的存在着辍学率高,升学率低的现象。即不能较好的完成国家“普九”教育任务,又不易满足乡镇地区人们的升学深造愿望。使乡镇中学这 Primary and secondary schools in townships, because of their geographical proximity to urban and rural areas, determine some of the features that distinguish them from urban schools. In particular, middle schools in towns and townships face a lower base of students than students in urban areas. To varying degrees, there is a phenomenon of high drop-out rates and low enrollment rates. That is, we can not satisfactorily accomplish the education of general “nine-year” education in our country and can not easily meet the aspiration of people in rural areas for further studies. This makes township middle school
11月7日,Google CEO埃里克施密特(Eric Schmidt)现身旧金山。  “你们为什么收购YouTube?”  “因为我们喜欢他们。”施密特毫不迟疑地回答。  此前的10月9日,Google宣布以16.5亿美元收购消费者媒体公司YouTube。业界大惊。后者成立仅20个月,只有67名员工,且未实现盈利。  价值来自于YouTube的主营业务——视频传播与分享。这家年轻的网站允许人们把