“水乡的路,一把橹,摇落星星摇日出。风里钻,浪里出,摇到四海和五湖。” 太湖明珠——江苏省的无锡市,就座落在那河道纵横交错,水网密布,风景秀丽的肥沃土地上。不久前,我随同农业部,江苏省及无锡市的有关领导和一批农机专家、学者,从无锡市区乘车来到郊区的东亭镇。代表我国南方水田地区的全国性农机化试验站,10年前就诞生在这里。汽车在田间的公路上行驶,碧绿的菜地、金黄的稻田、枝叶茂盛的梧桐树,由远而近,又由近而远。
“The road to the water village, a 橹, shake the stars shake the sunrise. The wind in the drill, the waves out, shaking the world and the five lakes.” Pearl of the Taihu Lake - Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the river Criss-cross, water network, scenic and fertile land. Not long ago, I accompanied the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jiangsu Province and Wuxi City and a group of agricultural experts and scholars from the downtown area of Wuxi to Dongting Town in the suburbs. A nationwide pilot station for agricultural mechanization, representing the paddy fields in southern China, was born here 10 years ago. Car driving in the field on the road, green vegetable fields, golden rice fields, leafy sycamore trees, from far and near, but also by the near and far.