1988年16月,中共中央军委正式确定为军事家的曾中生同志,是土地革命战争时期鄂豫皖革命根据地和红四方面军的优秀领导人。他在军事实践和军事理论方面均有相当建树,是一位德才兼备、文武双全的军事人才。认真探讨和研究他的军事活动和军事思想,可以邦助我们更加深刻地理解毛泽东军事思想,也可以使我们进一步了解鄂豫皖及川陕红军的革命斗争历史。 一
In 1988 June, comrade Zeng Zhongsheng formally identified as a military strategist by the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee and an outstanding leader of the Red Fourth Army in the revolutionary bases of Hubei, Anhui and Anhui during the Agrarian Revolutionary War. He has made considerable achievements in military practice and military theory and is a military talent with both ability and political integrity and both military and military capabilities. Studying and studying his military activities and military thinking seriously can help us to understand Mao Zedong’s military thinking in a more profound way and enable us to further understand the history of the revolutionary struggles of the two regions of Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Sichuan and Shaanxi. one